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Reno de Medici Restarts Recycled Board Mill in Villa Santa Lucia, Italy

RDM Villa Santa Lucia RDM's Villa Santa Lucia mill operates one board machine with an installed capacity of 220,000 tons per year of recycled cartonboard.

Jan. 5, 2023 - Reno de Medici (RDM) on January 2 restarted its recycled board mill in Villa Santa Lucia, Italy, after the forced closure of a local waste treatment plant in August of 2022 resulted in the mill operations being shut down. The treatment plant, which is operated by a third-party, is significantly used by the mill.

The mill's operations had been suspended since August pending the "adjustment and arrangement of the purification plants ordered by the court of Cassino." 1

RDM said the restart of the mill follows more than four months of intense dialogue between the Group and local institutions.

"The restart of the paper mill once again confirms the RDM Group's willingness to invest in the protection of the environment and the future of the community in which it is operating," said Michele Bianchi, CEO of RDM Group. "Now we are ready to get back to work together with the more than 250 employees who will finally be able to resume their role at the paper mill.

"The restart will not be easy -- the difficulties caused by the imposed production stoppage are many and concern both the economic profile as well as reputation. Now we are working to overcome the difficulties, ensure the ordinary resumption of business and regain our commercial strength," Bianchi said.

RDM's Villa Santa Lucia mill operates one board machine with an installed capacity of 220,000 tons per year of recycled cartonboard.

RDM Group, with headquarters in Milan, Italy, is the second largest European producer of coated recycled cartonboard, the largest in Italy, France and the Iberian Peninsula.


1 L'Inchiesta Quotidiano OnLine.

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