Jan. 13, 2022 - According to the China National Household Paper Industry Association (CNHPIA), in 2021, newly added production capacity in China's tissue paper industry reached a record high. "The market competition will become more intense, and industry enterprises should invest cautiously," CNHPIA warned.
In 2021, China's tissue paper capacity continued to grow at a fast pace. According to CNHPIA statistics, from January to December 2021, "China's tissue paper industry has an accumulated capacity of about 2.686 million tpy, in addition to some projects that have been put into operation but have not been made public. Therefore, the cumulative newly added capacity in 2021 has hit a record high since statistics were available in the Chinese tissue paper industry," CNHPIA said.
CNHPIA added, "In 2022 and beyond, the newly announced capacity has exceeded 10 million tpy. In the future, the industry is expected to see more intense overcapacity and more fierce market competition. Industry enterprises should invest cautiously."
CNHPIA was established on June 8, l993. Members include manufacturers of tissue paper and disposable hygiene products, suppliers of related equipment and raw materials, etc. Currently, there are about 861 domestic members and 42 overseas members in the Association.
SOURCE: China National Household Paper Industry Association
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